The Eternity

Bend the threads of time or be consumed by its infinite weave.

Eryndor Vaylax


Time is a paradox, a river that flows ever forward yet holds within it the echoes of eternity. Those who seek to master its tides must tread carefully, for time is both a healer and a destroyer, a bringer of clarity and chaos. This tome, The Sands of Eternity, was not written in any one age but exists as a timeless artifact, capturing the wisdom of eras long past and those yet to come.

I, Caelum Chronomancer, have spent lifetimes unraveling the threads of time’s tapestry. The spells within this book are not mere tricks or illusions but the essence of time itself, harnessed and shaped by those with the will and insight to see beyond the present moment. Yet, be warned: time is a demanding master. It does not yield to the weak or the impatient. Those who falter in their control may find themselves lost in the endless sands, their existence but a forgotten echo.

These pages contain the secrets to bending the flow of time—not to dominate it, but to walk alongside its currents, to become both its ally and its master. Wield this power wisely, for to misuse it is to risk unraveling the fabric of existence itself. Time is not merely a measure—it is the soul of the universe.


Second Wind (1)

A ripple in the flow of time surrounds you, allowing you to momentarily recover from fatigue or injury. The seconds stretch, granting a brief but potent reprieve to regain strength. This spell is often used by those on the brink of collapse, as it offers the chance to fight another moment longer.

Effect: Restores 1 HP or grants +1 to a saving throw.
Special: Can only be used once per encounter.

Temporal Echo (1)

You summon a fleeting image of a past event in the space around you. This echo lasts but a moment, offering a glimpse into the past that can reveal clues, distract an enemy, or inspire an ally. The echo is intangible and fades quickly, but its presence lingers in the minds of those who witness it.

Effect: Creates a spectral vision of a moment from the past.
Special: Can distract or disorient an enemy briefly.

Chrono Step (1)

In a blink, you vanish from your current position and reappear several feet away, as if time itself shifted to accommodate your movement. This spell is a favorite among time-mages for avoiding attacks or repositioning in the heat of battle.

Effect: Instantly teleport up to 20 feet.
Special: Leaves behind a faint afterimage that lingers for one turn.

Hasten (2)

Time accelerates around you or an ally, granting heightened speed and reflexes. Movements blur as the target acts with impossible quickness, outpacing opponents and striking with precision. Be warned: such acceleration comes at a cost to the body once the spell’s effects fade.

Effect: Doubles movement and grants +1 to attack rolls for two turns.
Special: The target suffers 1 fatigue after the effect ends.

Temporal Stasis (2)

With a gesture, you halt the flow of time around a single target. For a brief moment, they are frozen in place, unable to act or react. The stasis is fragile, shattering if the target is struck, but it can offer a critical window of opportunity.

Effect: Freezes one target for one turn.
Special: The stasis breaks if the target is attacked.

Aging Touch (2)

Your hand glows with the weight of centuries as you touch your target, causing them to feel the passage of time in an instant. Flesh withers, metal rusts, and vitality fades under your grasp.

Damage: 2 temporal damage.
Special: The target’s armor or equipment may degrade if struck.

Rewind (3)

Reality shimmers as you rewind time in a localized area, undoing recent actions. Wounds mend, shattered objects restore themselves, and moments of failure are erased. However, the strain of altering the timeline grows with each use.

Effect: Reverts the last action or restores an object to its prior state.
Special: Cannot reverse death or major events.

Chrono Barrier (3)

A shimmering shield of flowing time forms around you or an ally, bending incoming attacks away or slowing them to a harmless crawl. The barrier pulses with temporal energy, distorting light and sound around it.

Effect: Grants +2 defense and negates the first attack against the target.
Duration: ?

Time Fracture (4)

You tear a rift in the timeline, creating a zone where the normal flow of time is disrupted. Within the fracture, enemies move sluggishly while allies move with impossible speed. The area becomes a chaotic battleground, where the rules of time are rewritten.

Effect: Slows all enemies and hastens all allies within a 20-foot radius.
Duration: ?

Temporal Surge (4)

You channel the full force of temporal energy into a single burst, accelerating yourself or an ally to superhuman speeds. For a fleeting moment, they move faster than the eye can see, acting with godlike precision.

Effect: Grants an extra action and doubles movement for one turn.
Special: The target suffers 2 fatigue after the effect ends.

Sands of Eternity (5)

With a wave of your hand, the battlefield becomes a timeless expanse of shifting sands. Time flows unevenly, disorienting all who stand within the area. Allies may find themselves acting with preternatural speed, while enemies are slowed to a crawl. The sands twist reality, making it nearly impossible to discern past from present.

Effect: Creates a field that slows all enemies and hastens all allies.
Duration: ?
Special: The caster’s movements are unaffected by the field.

Table of Contents


The Eternity is a mysterious spellbook that unveils the secrets of mastering time’s unfathomable powers. From swift movements with Chrono Step to halting the flow of time with Temporal Stasis, this tome teaches mages to manipulate the currents of time itself. But time is a treacherous ally—it rewards the wise and devours the reckless. Will you master its eternal force or be lost to its endless depths?


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