Core_Unified Tag Language

Unified Tag Language (UTL) is a system where players and leaders can describe, props, characters, NPC and relations in the game without predefined sheets or forms. This approach allows crafting intricate narratives and define their roles in the story through descriptive tags.



Tags are written with a “#”.


Subjekts are written with a “@”.


Props are written with a “+”.

+Sword of Power



Tags can be organized by their breadth of applicability within the narrative. Split the levels with “|” or “/“. Tag levels describe the breadth of their narrative usage.






Tags can be written undefined with a “?”. This means that the tag has not yet been defined.





Tags with a value are written with an number. It is used, among other things, to describe how much damage a weapon does or how fast a car can drive.





Note and description

in addition you can make an description or note indicated with “:”.

+Novi: This old sword was a gift from my late dad.



Tags, subjects, objects, and descriptions can be combined in text strings.

+Book of the law: An index of the law of the tempel. #Lore|Law #Old

@Julie: My beautiful and very intelligent little sister. #Sister



The subject’s focus is indicated by “=”, and the focus description is separated by a “:”.

=Ambition: To discover the distant land across the sea.

When a focus is achieved, it is struck through, like this “≠”.

≠Ambition: To discover the distant land across the sea.

You decide what designation the focus has. Here are some examples: Ambition, Objective, Aspiration, Mission, Task, Target, Dream, Aim, Destination, Quest, Pursuit, Milestone, Agenda, Endeavor, Vision, Challenge, Plan, Desire, Intention.


#Name|Janus Sigtfeldt

#Tittle|Tempel Knight












@Leslan #Childhood_Friend

@Fundir #Brother


+Tempel Armor: Silver Armor of Lux.
#Heavy #Defence

+Tempel Shild: Silver Shild Lux.
#Defence #Prayer|Light

+Novi: Sword

+Book of the law: An index of the law of the tempel.

+Old Key: Rusty key faund at the Trions Ruiens.

+Ring: Old and broken ring that seems to contain som kind of magic. #Magic|?


=Ambition: To follow the law and judge fairly.

=Dream: To revolutionize the temple.

≠Task: Reach the harbor before it is too late.


What is special about tags?

The truly special thing about this narrative tag system is that in every act-roll, you gain insight into the PC’s story and understanding of their own capability in the setting. As the player explains which tags are relevant in relation to an act and the leader examines which tags might count negatively, the entire player group gains understanding of the character. In practice, this works fantastically and can be truly beautiful.

When does a PC receive tags?

A PC receives tags after experiencing significant events, and when a player rolls 1-1 or 6-6 on an act, the leader should consider awarding a tag if appropriate.

How many tags does one start with?

It depends on how long your narrative is planned to be. If you’re playing just once, you should have the tags relevant to that specific story. However, for a longer game with many sessions, it’s recommended to start with a low number—since the ongoing process of earning tags can be a significant motivating force for many players.

Another approach is to consider how much life experience the character has. Elements like education, age, and major life experiences can help define which and how many tags a PC should start with.

Keep in mind that not all PCs are required to begin with the same number of tags.

Fundamentally, tags are up to the leader; it’s her story.

How does one use tags?

Tags are used in connection with the micro loop. In some contexts, tags provide a +1 bonus to a roll, while in others, they provide a -1 penalty. Sometimes, tags have no effect on your roll at all.

Is there a fixed definition of tags?

No, tags are defined and unlocked gradually in the story as they are used by the PC. This means that a tag can mean and be used one way by one PC and another way by another.

In what order can tags be obtained?

There’s no rule for that.

A street urchin might have #Melee|Knife and later in life, after serving in the king’s army, #Melee.