

Description: Start building your own Characters with the Free Plan. Perfect for beginners and players, this plan provides you with the fundamentals 


5 / month

Description: The Personal Plan is designed for those who want to bring their virtual worlds to life with more advanced tools and resources. Whether you’re building for fun or for a larger project, this plan offers the flexibility and support you need to create something truly unique.



25 / month

Description: For the ambitious creators, the Pro Plan offers everything you need to build expansive, detailed virtual worlds with no limits. With full access to the platform’s best tools, an active community, and exclusive perks, this plan is perfect for those who want to take their creations to the next level.

Tag 2d6


This micro loop uses a 2d6 system to drive the story forward, ensuring every action has meaningful consequences—positive, trade-offs, or negative. It keeps the focus on narrative and character over mechanics, so the frame remains a tale, not a math problem.

A key aspect of this system is that something always happens in the story, regardless of the player’s action or its outcome. There are no “dead ends.” Every result—whether a critical success, a challenging trade-off, or a dramatic failure—drives the narrative forward in meaningful and engaging ways, ensuring the story continues to evolve dynamically.

By combining player creativity, character tags, and game mechanics, this loop ensures that each action carries weight and consequence. The question is not merely whether an action succeeds or fails, but how it shapes the narrative and what new opportunities or challenges it introduces.

This Micro Loop is designed to provide flexibility and engagement, balancing mechanics and storytelling to create a collaborative experience that keeps the game moving and the players invested.


When a player describes an action, the Leader evaluates its feasibility and narrative relevance, determining whether it is meaningful or interesting for the action to potentially fail. Based on this evaluation, the situation unfolds in one of the following ways:

1. If the action is impossible

If the player attempts an action that is clearly beyond their character’s abilities or the frames’s logic (e.g., trying to fly without wings), the result is automatically 6-, and the action fails without a roll.

2. If it’s not relevant for the action to fail

If the risk of failure does not add tension or value to the story (e.g., success is obvious or necessary for the narrative to progress), the Leader gives the player an automatic result of 10+, and the action succeeds.

3. If it’s relevant that the action can succeed or fail

When both success and failure have the potential to create meaningful consequences or drive the story forward, the Leader allows the player to roll 2d6:

  • The player presents tags that could help the action succeed.

The Leader evaluates the tags and adjusts the roll accordingly:

Note on Tags

  • Tags can count positively in some contexts and negatively in others.
  • Environmental factors or other external influences can have tags and can modify the roll result, making the process dynamic and reflective of the story’s context.
  • In the case of character versus character or character versus npc, the other character’s relevant tags are subtracted from the acting character’s tags.
  • Increasing the number or quality of positive tags enhances the potential outcome of the action.

4. If the player lacks necessary tags, but it’s relevant for the action to fail

If the player does not have sufficient or relevant tags to support their action, but it still makes sense for the attempt to happen, the Trade mechanic is used (or “untrained action”):

  • The player rolls as usual, but a result of 10+ is reduced to 7-9, meaning success always comes with complications or hard choices.
  • However, a 6+6 Shine remains achievable, representing extraordinary luck or circumstances leading to a spectacular success despite limited preparation.

This mechanic ensures that risky or unprepared actions remain narratively significant while maintaining a sense of challenge.

Post-Stance: Framing the Consequences

After determining the result, the Post-Stance dictates how the consequences are narrated:

  • Before: The Leader describes what happens.
  • Beside: The Leader and player collaborate to describe the outcome.
  • Behind: The player describes the outcome independently.

Choosing a Post-Stance

The Leader’s choice of stance depends on:

  • The player’s role-playing competencies and how comfortable they are with narrating outcomes.
  • The group’s familiarity with the Leader’s narrative style and their understanding of the broader story.
  • The desired narrative effect and the level of control or power the Leader wishes to exert over the scene.

There is no objectively “best” stance—the appropriate choice depends on the context and the needs of the narrative. The flexibility of Post-Stance allows the storytelling to adapt dynamically to the players and situation, ensuring engaging and collaborative gameplay.

Dice 2d6 & result

6+6 Shine

The character not only succeeds in their intended action but also gains an additional advantage or benefit from the situation. This advantage should align with their character’s focus or goals, providing extra information or a deeper insight relevant to their objectives.

A character is trying to find a hidden door in a dungeon. Rolling a 6+6 means they not only find the door but also discover a hidden cache of valuable items nearby.

10+ Positive

The character succeeds without any complications. The act goes smoothly and has the intended effect.

A character attempts to convince a guard to let them pass. Rolling a 10+ means the guard believes their story entirely and allows them through without further questioning.

7-9 Trade

The character succeeds, but there are consequences or a difficult choice to be made. The success is not without its drawbacks.

A character tries to pick a lock. Rolling a 7-9 means they manage to open the lock, but they make noise that alerts nearby enemies, or the lock is damaged in a way that makes it difficult to close again.

6- Negative

The character fails in their attempt. The act does not go as planned, and there are likely negative consequences.

A character attempts to sneak past a sleeping dragon. Rolling a 6- means they trip and make a loud noise, waking the dragon and putting themselves in immediate danger.

1+1 Dire

The character fails in a catastrophic way. The act not only fails but also has severe and potentially vital consequences.

A character attempts to disarm a trap. Rolling a 1+1 means not only do they fail to disarm it, but the trap triggers in the worst possible way, causing significant harm.



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