NPC Advice: Rook

Narrative Role

  • Rooks embody stability and fortification. They are the protectors, guardians, or defenders of specific places—think fortress captains, temple guards, or imposing gatekeepers.
  • In a story, they are obstacles to progress. Players must deal with rooks to access restricted areas, obtain key items, or bypass fortified positions.

Combat Role

  • Rooks excel in defensive combat, often as tanks with high health or armor.
  • They guard choke points, defend objectives, or hold a line while others attack.
  • A rook can be stationary, such as a turret or magic statue, or slow-moving but relentless.


Golems, castle guards, siege beasts, shieldbearers, living statues.


@Temple War Horse
“The gods gave me a steed not for fleeing, but for standing tall.”


@Stone Golem
“Trespassers will be ground to dust.”


@Crypt Warden
“The weight I carry is not my own. Trespass, and you shall share it.”


@Industrial Defense turret
“System malfunction. Target… acquired.”


@Dwarven Forgehand
“Steel doesn’t lie, lad. It tells you what it’s worth when you swing it.”



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